Profile No. 81
Composer, Dj, Pianist
Organize - Happy Time Trip, おとぎ
I started playing the piano when I was 5, and by the time I was 9, I was composing music. A guitarist and vocalist when I was 15. I started to DJ in 2002. My activity as a DJ has been very diverse... performing at parties, festivals, events, yoga・healing workshops of TRANCE・AMBIENT・HOUSE・JAMBAND・WORLDMUSIC・FOLK MUSIC… MY free play style allows me to feel the energy there, and maximize my potentialities, crossing over many genres. I am the 'Happy Time Trip' organizer with a motto -“make the most of your life”- I will lay emphasis on original piece of music / mixCD in future.
Biography (日本語)
5歳からクラシックピアノを10年学ぶ。15~20歳PUNK BANDギターヴォーカル担当。2002年〜THE ORB の影響を受けAMBIENT DJスタート。2004年〜多種多様々な音と音を繋ぎ、異次元の空間を創りだすFree Style DJ 。TRANCE・AMBIENT・HOUSE・JAMBAND・WORLDMUSIC・民族音楽等のPARTY や 祭 ・HEARINGやYOGAのWORKSHOP・山・川・海・洞窟・島・CLUB・BAR等の空間でPLAY。2006年山梨ピラミッドセンターにて"HAPPY TIME TRIP "・2010年中滝アートビレッジにて"おとぎ" をオーガナイズ"。8年越しで作ったピアノ曲”DECISION”color-musicよりリリース。
Release : color-music
Release : wasabeat
・ click to jump : wasabeat.com